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Companion care can make a big difference in how well you care for your cancer-stricken loved one. If you’re a caretaker, you’re likely to feel stressed or overwhelmed at times. You may also have little personal time, missing essential appointments and ignoring your social life.

It’s important to strike a balance between providing care and taking care of yourself while you’re caring for others. While it may appear that there is no time for you or your requirements, this is not the case. For cancer caretakers, companion care is a valuable and often vital resource.


What Is Companion Care and How Does It Work?

Companion care can provide a much-needed break for caregivers and relatives of disabled, ill, or other individuals who are not totally self-sufficient. It provides care givers with some respite from their frequently round-the-clock responsibilities, allowing them to relax and unwind. Running errands or even taking a short vacation might provide a welcome break from care-giving.

In-home Cancer patients and their families can use two types of companion care: companion care and residential care outside of the house. They are available in a variety of styles.


In-Home Companionship

Companion care can take many different kinds. While the primary caregiver is away, a friend or family member can temporarily assume caregiver responsibilities, or a trained professional can be recruited for more complex cases. If you’re not sure if a friend or family member could handle the responsibilities of care-giving, consult your healthcare practitioner, who can advise you on the appropriate type of caregiver for your loved one.

Companion for Adults in Day Care

Some adult day care centers are equipped to care for seniors and disabled persons who require assistance while their primary caregiver is at work. Customers of adult daycare centers receive basic care, socialization, exercise, and maybe therapy services (occupational, speech, or physical therapy).

Companionship in the Home

Residential care, such as nursing homes or hospices, provides non-acute care to persons who are unable to care for themselves completely. Companion care is available at some of these facilities.


Support Groups for Caregivers

There may be caregiver support groups in your area. Members of support groups may elect to take turns providing Companion care so that other members of the group can relax. Caregiver support groups can be found through your loved one’s cancer treatment center or by conducting a simple Google search in your area.


Why Is Companion Care Necessary?

Care-giving might take up a lot of your time, including time for important things like medical visits, self-care (like haircuts), and errands (like car maintenance). Companion care allows you to attend appointments, relax, and spend time away from your care-giving responsibilities.

Providing care for a cancer-stricken loved one can be emotionally and physically draining. Emotional and physical exhaustion, often known as “caregiver burnout,” manifests itself in a variety of ways, including fatigue, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and changes in appetite. Burnout is very common among cancer caregivers, particularly those who do not spend enough time away from the care-giving setting.

Burnout in care givers should not be confused with depression, which is equally widespread among them.

Depression has symptoms that are like the mental and physical stress that care givers go through. If you believe you might be depressed, make an appointment with your doctor right away.


Where to Look for Companion Care

Depending on the type of assistance you require, locating Companion care may be as simple as enlisting the assistance of friends and family. An in-home health aide may be your greatest option for effective Companion care if your loved one requires specialized care. Residential facilities, especially short-term ones, can be excellent options for folks who require a lot of help.

Remember that to effectively care for someone else, you must first care for yourself! It’s natural to feel bad about taking time for yourself, but this isn’t something you should do. You require some downtime to re-energize your batteries. Regular stress release and relaxation might help you focus better on your caring responsibilities.


Contact your local Right Choice Home Care office today to schedule a free in-home consultation and learn more about our caregiver services. Call us at (866) 799-5955 right now!

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